
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Lennon Tour Bus streaming live from South by Southwest

More than a dozen musicians who are in Austin, Texas, this week for the South by Southwest Music Conference will collaborate with the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, which is hosting a series of live-streamed interview and performance sessions from the festival each afternoon through Friday.
Highlights still to come include streams on Wednesday from Ian Moore and Kasabian, on Thursday with Lissy Trullie and Friday with Birds of Chicago. Fans can submit questions for consideration during the interview segments by tweeting them to #lennonbus. Music and talk will be streamed at www.lennonbus.org/live, and there’s also a free Lennon Bus App available for iPhone and Android phones at http://road.ie/lennon-bus.
The Lennon bus has been in operation for 15 years now, a nonprofit project created to introduce students to musical instruments and recording equipment to which they might otherwise never have had access. The bus is ensconced in Austin this week to acquaint more musicians and fans with its state-of-the-art audio and video facilities, where budding rock stars can make demo recordings and YouTube and Facebook-ready videos at no charge.
Here is a quick video tour of the bus and its facilities. Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono, gave her blessing to the idea because she believes it to be something her husband would have supported.

Source: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com

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