
miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Beatles looking stony faced in new sculpture

A Mount Rushmore–style sculpture with The Beatles in place of the four US presidents has taken centre stage in an exhibition.
Titled Tomorrow Never Knows, the display is made up of four standalone pieces focusing on Liverpool’s musical heritage.
Terry McGunigle and Joe Forrest were commissioned to create the 8x16ft replica of the world famous south Dakota memorial with the faces of John, Paul, Ringo, and George instead of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
Illustrator Elliot Chinnock’s contribution is a re-imagining of the Fab Four’s iconic Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover – with action figures including He-Man hijacking the famous scene.
There is also a canvas mural from Marc D Lewis and images from photographer Mark McNulty showing musicians in unexpected parts of the city. The exhibition, curated by Purple Revolver, will be in a pop-up gallery at the Albert Dock until September 22.
 Purple Revolver creative director Andy Johnson  said: “We're honoured Liverpool International Music Festival asked us to host  the festival's art gallery. I knew The Beatles had to feature but I felt it must be something original, which is a tall order with The Beatles, because it’s all been said and done before.
“We agonised over it for a week, but during a chat with my mum about an old holiday to the States, she mentioned Mount Rushmore and the penny dropped.  The sculpture is called Tomorrow Never Knows and it has been crafted by the highly talented Terry McGunigle, who many people will recognise from his studio work at the Bluecoat.
“There's also the re-working of the Sgt. Pepper’s album cover using action figures, which will hopefully raise a few smiles.
“And the exhibition also showcases Mark McNulty's new portrait collection. All together it captures the essence of LIMF.
“We just hope we can make Liverpool’s music and art fans proud.”

By Lorna Hughes-LDP

Source: http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk

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