viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

The Day Paul McCartney signed my wrist

She left the gig in Norwich of 1963 with a name written on the inside of her left wrist... and although it faded away after a couple of weeks her memory of that amazing night is as vivid as ever.
The name was Paul McCartney. The chirpy young pop star had signed his name on Jan’s wrist at the end of The Beatles’ one and only Norwich show.
Jan Bounden went home in a daze, not only with Paul’s signature on her left wrist, but with a flyer signed by all four Beatles and a photograph signed by all, save Ringo who wouldn’t get out of the van!
“It was an amazing night,” said Jan who left with precious souvenirs of that concert at the old Grosvenor Rooms in Norwich on Friday May 17, 1963.
“I went with two friends and we managed to wedge ourselves against the left-hand side of the small stage, close to where George Harrison was standing,” said Jan.
“We shouted and screamed our way through all their numbers, always trying to touch any trouser leg that came our way. I cannot remember much about the actual performance, except our ears were ringing with the vibration from being so close to the amplifiers,” added Jan.
After the Beatles had left the stage they dashed around to the side alley to wait patiently against the gate to see the Fab Four depart.
“I was fortunate to have The Beatles sign the back of my ticket. However, to make my evening, I took along a photograph of The Beatles which I had sent away for.
“After shouting their names and holding up the photograph, John, Paul and George emerged from their travelling van to sign the photograph, all addressed ‘To Jan’, accompanied by kisses.
“My evening was completed when Paul signed on the inside of my left wrist which I duly covered with Sellotape and did not wash for two weeks to the amusement of my parents.
“I was certainly the envy of all my school friends,” she said.
The Beatles drove away from Norwich for the first and last time – and before long became the biggest pop group the world had ever seen.


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